2015년 12월 15일 화요일

3) Listening Part

For the listening section, I believe there are not many ways to improve them instead of just listening to English constantly.

Here are some great applications you can download. You have your smartphone near you almost 24/7. Make great use of those smartphones instead of only texting and doing facebook. Make a habit of listening to these when you have time. Listen to them when you commute, eating breakfast etc.

It is important to listen to English everyday!

(1) CNN

Download Here


(2) BBC

Download Here


(3) 6 Minute English

Download Here


4) Speaking Part

For speaking, I'm going to address on pronunciation. There are various applications that can help you check if your pronunciation is correct or not. If you are prerparing for an exam such as TOEFL, this application will be very helpful.


Download here



Download here


With this application, you can record your voice and compare with the native speaker's one.

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