2015년 12월 15일 화요일

* Online Dictionary

There are too many online dictionaries online. It is important as a learner and a teacher to know which dictionary features are the best. Here I've compared several types of online dictionaries for yout benefit!

1) According to the definition
Most dictionaries offer the same definition and are mostly accurate. It is important for the learner to see how the vocabulary is used to enhance their memory of the learned vocabulary. So, I've compared the dictionaries that offer the best usage of the searched vocabulary.

  1. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/
This dictionary offers diverse definition. English words' meaning is not bound to one. The definition vary according to context. This dictionary provides various definitions according to different contexts and provide examples. Also, it provides referneces used in periodicals, literature etc. Learners can see how the word is used. Moreover, this dictionary provides the recorded voice of the word which enables the learners to also study the pronunciation of the word.

    2. http://dictionary.reference.com/

This dictionary is one of the dominant online dictionary. This dictionary provides accurate word, usuage in web articles. This is better for learners than thefreedictionary.com because it is convenient. Thefreedictionary.com offers various word definitions according to context, however, it involves too much information for the learners to comprehend. It is important in recent days to be succinct to attract the learners' attention.

Eventhough these dictionaries all have significant advantages, I believe dictionary.com is more beneficial for the learner.

2) According to synoyms

Whenever I write an essay, I'm always trying to use different vocabularies. Unfortunately my vocabulary is limited and I need to find other synoyms online or through smartphones. However, the another unfortuante about finding synoyms is that I can't find the right one that fits in the context. So, I've compared some dictionaries that offer good synoyms.

  1. http://www.thesaurus.com/
The most dominant dictionary that people use is thesaurus. However, for me this dictionary is not that convenient as it does not offer the right synoyms that needs to fit in a particular context.

    2. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

This dictionary provides diverse synoyms according to the diverse context. Freedictionary.com is much better than thesaurus.com because this dictionary provides the context and the appropriate synoym in that particular context.

Here's an exmaple. I've searched "account"
See the difference? Thesaurus.com does not really help when it comes to actual use.



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